Microware OS-9


Microware OS-9

Embedded systems span a myriad of applications, ranging from simple micro-controllers to sophisticated medical imaging systems to complex industrial applications. At the heart of these diverse applications is an operating system — a software foundation that delivers a common set of services helping software developers deliver their product to market more quickly.

Enter Microware OS-9, the high-performance, high-availability real-time operating system platform. The Microware OS-9 real-time operating system (RTOS) has been deployed and proven in thousands of products worldwide and represented hundreds of embedded applications including industrial automation, control, automotive, and medical instrumentation.


OS-9 Highlights

  • Speed
  • Reliability and Security
  • Development Environment
  • Processor Support
  • Standards Compliance
  • Fully Scalable
  • Technical Support

Microware is avaialble OS-9 through three Value-Added Resellers: