Frequently Asked Question - What are the export Restrictions on OS-9 and OS-9 with OpenSSL

What are the export Restrictions on OS-9 and OS-9 with OpenSSL

OS-9 / OS-9000 falls under export control EAR99 / 4D993.c /AT ( Anti Terrorism) Column 1,  Operating system “software” “specially designed” for “real-time processing” equipment that guarantees a “global interrupt latency time” of less than 20 microseconds.

    This requires any system using OS-9 / OS-9000 to get an export license if the system is sent to any county listed in section 740, supplement 1, Country Group E.    OpenSSL is not subject to export controls because it is publicly available.   Our changes do not change the functionality or definition of OpenSSL.   However any system using OS-9 / OS-9000 & OpenSSL would be subject to the license requirement of the 4D993.c and the licensing of software using encryption.    This would be on the customer to get the export license.